Visit artist studios & creative spaces June 1, 12-5p, in Evanston, IL, maps at locations across Evanston and online at
1100 Florence Gallery is hosting artist Dave Ford’s Truck Drawings, with several tour stops just blocks from us; Julie Cowan, Alice George, Beth Adler, Judith Lewin, Lindy Stockton, Ben Blount, Amy O. Woodbury, Rembrandt Chamber Music, WARE Ceramics, Joanna Kramer.
Visit Evanston Made Group Show at Evanston Art Center, opening party May 31, 6-10p, to see more works by the artists below. Evanston Art Center, 1717 Central Street. Learn more at
Pictured above: Artist Ben Blount at his studio MAKE, 1123 Florence Ave, Evanston, 60202
During the sixth annual Evanston Made Artist Studio Tour visit artist studios & creative spaces, June 1, 12-5p, in Evanston, IL, maps at locations across Evanston and online at
Slide show of all participants online at
#collectevanstonart #evanstonart #evanstonmade— in Evanston, Illinois.