Dave Ford One Night Painting Show
Thursday, Feb. 29, 7-9p
See new paintings by artist Dave Ford, one night only!
1100 Florence Ave., Evanston, IL 60202
Thursday, Feb. 29, 7-9p
See new paintings by artist Dave Ford, one night only!
1100 Florence Ave., Evanston, IL 60202
Join us Sunday, February 25, for the release of Shorefront's latest project, Colorful Legacies. Meet the artist, Andrew Walker III , and see all of the original art from the coloring book, along with a few original works.
Card making & Art supply swap. Make a card for your favorite valentine and grab a bag of FREE art supplies. 1100 Florence Ave., 12-4p
“I See You” is a series of portrait works on exhibit this November at 1100 Florence Gallery. BLERD: LeVar by Andrew Young.
Join us for a weekend of art, handmade goods and great company!
Artists Fran Joy and Debra Salter are hosting a pop up gallery event. One weekend only!
Soft Opening: Friday, Oct 13, 5 to 8 pm
Saturday: 12 to 5 pm
Sunday: Closing Reception 12 to 5 pm
Explore West Village Artist Studios at the 9TH ANNUAL Evanston Made Artist Studio Tour on Saturday, October 7, 12-5p.
Evanston Made Artist Studio Tour on Saturday, October 7, 12-5p
This is a fantastic event to meet artists in their studio, learn about their practice and start your Evanston Art Collection! Evanston Made's 9th Annual Studio Tour is a self--guided tour of studios throughout Evanston. The Studio Tour Map is available at artist studios, online at evanstonmade.org and at 1100 Florence Gallery, during the pop up exhibit.
Artist Studios are open Saturday, October 7, 12-5p. Click here to RSVP to the Studio Tour and receive a list of participating artist studios and event updates!
Pop Up Exhibit
Studio Tour participants will exhibit their art at 1100 Florence Gallery, Oct. 6-8. Join us Friday, October 6, 5-8p, for an opening reception and to pick up copies of the Studio Tour Map. This pop up exhibit is on display 10/6 - 10/8. Click here to RSVP to attend the opening reception.
Evanston Made hosts First Saturday Evanston Art Events, a self-guided exploration of Evanston’s Creative Community, featuring art on display at venues across Evanston. Shop for handmade goods, meet small business owners, enjoy a delicious meal, learn to sketch and make ART Friends!
Join us Saturday, September 2, check for times per location in Evanston. Google Map at evanstonmade.org.
More Idols Than Realities: Paintings by Paul Wear on display Sept 1 - 24, 2023 at 1100 Florence Gallery. Opening party, Saturday, Sept. 2, 5-8p
1100 Florence Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Gallery Hours; Friday 5-8p, Sat & Sun 12-5p. Viewings by appointment, call 847-544-8205
Photo of Paul in the studio by Joerg Metzner
Shop for textiles, prints, art and handmade goods created by Melissa Blount, Saturday, August 27th, 12-5p.
We’re on the West Village Art Crawl during Evanston Made’s First Saturday Evanston Art Events. Click here for citywide listings and a Google map.
1100 Florence Gallery presents Remission, a photography exhibit by Christine Huck
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 1, 5-8p
Artist Talk: Sunday, July 9, 3-5p. The Artist talk will be facilitated by Barbara Diener, Collection Manager and Research Assistant in the department of Photography and Media at the Art Institute of Chicago. RSVP here.
Closing Reception: Sunday, July 30, 3-5p
Exhibition Statement
In February of 2022, Christine Huck was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Christine's treatment included chemotherapy every other week from March through August. In April of that year, following her fourth treatment, she was told she was in remission after a PET scan, and continued the subsequent eight treatments as directed by her care team. This body of work, titled Remission, explores her perspective from the time of diagnosis through treatment and into remission. It contains imagery and text related to her everyday experience while in medical care over this period of time, including after she returned to work in mid-September.
Since 2013, Christine had sponsored Lizbeth, an Ecuadorian child through Children International. Lizbeth died of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 18 in February of 2022, the same month Christine was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s. All artist profits for this exhibition will go to Lizbeth's family.
Christine Huck graduated from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in 2003, with a BFA in painting. She also received an MFA in 2009 from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in Visual Studies, with a focus in photography, sculpture, and painting. Her primary focus as of late is photography, and she shares much of her work on easily accessible platforms such as Instagram in order to reach audiences both inside and outside of formal art venues.
Summer Gallery Hours; Saturday 12-5p, Sunday 12-5p
Private viewings available, (847)544-8205 or 1100florencegallery[at]gmail.com
1100 Florence Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202
Join us for a pop up art exhibition featuring works by EAC Paper Remix students of Bonnie Katz. Reception: Saturday 3-5pm. FREE drop-in workshops: Sunday 1-4pm
Artist Yeefah Thurman and Art Instructor Lisa Reitman work with Middle School Students to create a body of work reacting to the effect of the transatlantic slave trade on Yanga, Mexico and Evanston, Illinois. Hosted at 1100 Florence Gallery, May 6-14. 2023.
Evanston Made invites you to Celebrate Evanston's thriving Arts Community this weekend during First Saturday Art Events & the Maker's Market! Info evanstonmade.org
Not only will we participate in reflective writing prompts, we also will utilize hands-on art making processes to further explore these topics.
Join Artist and caregiver, Safi Alia Shabaik, as she shares her father’s end-of-life journey with Parkinson’s disease, dementia and sundowner's syndrome. Saturday, April 15, 10a
On Saturday, April 15, there will be an afternoon of special programming titled “Personality Crash: The Intersection of Art and Science in PD,” featuring a presentation by Shabaik and moderated conversations on topics including PD and creativity, family caregiving, patient advocacy, end-of-life care, and dying with dignity. The webinar program, which begins at 10:30 a.m., will be live-streamed, and following the event, the public is invited to visit the gallery in person from 1 – 5 p.m. for an artist meet and greet. The exhibition runs through April 30.
Click here to register.
Join Artist and caregiver, Safi Alia Shabaik, as she shares her father’s end-of-life journey with Parkinson’s disease, dementia and sundowner's syndrome. This event will also include conversations with experts and people living with Parkinson’s on topics such as family caregiving, creativity and Parkinson’s, end-of-life care, and dignified death.
The images in this exhibit and the program discussion may generate a wide variety of reactions and emotions. It is one family’s journey and does not reflect everyone’s experience. Our goal is to bring awareness and understanding, through art and storytelling, to topics that may not always be discussed.
There is no charge to attend, but registration is required.
This event is part of the Artist’s exhibit that includes photographs, audio recordings and objects documenting her father’s end-of-life journey with Parkinson’s, dementia and sundowner's syndrome. The exhibit opens on Saturday, April 1 at 3 p.m. and continues through April 30 at 1100 Florence Gallery in Evanston.
Gallery Hours: Wednesdays & Fridays 5-8 p.m., Saturdays & Sundays 12-5 p.m. Private viewings at 1100florencegallery[at]gmail.com
Review by Jonathan Blaustein in The New York Times of SAFI ALIA SHABAIK's body of work photographing the end of her father's life. Click here to read.
This powerful work is on exhibit this April, at 1100 Florence Gallery in Evanston during Parkinsons Awareness Month
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Parkinson’s Foundation.
Join Nora O’Connor with special guest Steve Dawson, LIVE, Friday, March 31, at 1100 Florence Gallery. Doors open at 7p, music starts at 8p.
CLOSING DAY of Personality Crash : Portraits of My Father Who Suffered from Advanced Stages of Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia and Sundowners Syndrome
SUNDAY, APRIL 30 @ 12-5 PM
Founded in 2020, The We Were Never Alone Project is a weaving workshop for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Hosted by artist Bryana Bibbs, this workshop is free to attend with registration.
Dark Days, Brighter Nights Pop Up Art Exhibit
Work that inspires, created by people who identify as 35 years and under. Curated by Scott Greenberg. March 17 - 19, 1100 Florence Ave.
Join us for an afternoon with author and artist Linda Gent Johnson, Sunday, March 12, 1-4p, at 1100 Florence Gallery.
Identity and Fortune is a solo show of artist June Chen Ahleman’s most recent work. The exhibition is extended to March 12. Private viewings available, email 1100florencegallery[at]gmail.com
Plan an art-filled Saturday during Evanston Made's First Saturday Evanston Art Events! Help put Evanston Art on the map and share what you see see on social media using #evanstonmade
The workshop will introduce you to printmaking. Art makers will create a “Concertina”, or accordion book using printmaking techniques using GELLI plates, acrylic paints and stencils. Thursday, Feb., 23, 6-8p, $25/each
What A Relief: Simple Relief Printmaking Workshop with Jamie Thome
Make your own relief prints using simple styrofoam blocks, a ballpoint pen, and your imagination! We will explore basic relief printmaking during this two hour session, and you'll take home an edition of your very own block prints. All materials provided. Hosted at 1100 Florence Gallery, Saturday, Feb 18, 1-3p, $25/each, tickets here
Polyester Plate Lithography Workshop w Socorro Mucino, Saturday, Feb. 4, 12:30p
Evanston Made is hosting two group shows at 1100 Florence Gallery to kick off the new year this January and February; 3D & Fiber and Prints & Printmaking.
Evanston Made is hosting two group shows at 1100 Florence Gallery to kick off the new year this January and February; 3D & Fiber and Prints & Printmaking. Promo photo “Ordered Chaos” by Carol Hammerman
Join Aron Packer for a one-day event, book signing and sale of “Lakefront Anonymous: Chicago’s Unknown Art Gallery”. Saturday, Dec. 17, 12-5p, one day only at 1100 Florence, Evanston, Illinois.