This March, on exhibit in the gallery windows, new works by artist Cie Bond. Cie (pronounced see) is a West Village Arts District neighbor, and a prolific creator. Her studio, in the basement of her home, is packed with new 2D works and fiber art. This exhibit will focus on 2D multimedia works created in the last year, and embrace a sense of whimsy and hope that Spring and better days are on the way!
Join us for an outdoor reception with Cie on Saturday, March 6, 1-3p. Masks and social distancing required.
Artist Bio
Cie Bond grew up in a family of artists in Ann Arbor MI. She is a life-long maker who loves gardening, cooking, painting, collage, sewing and everything textiles. She weaves all these into resolutely happy mixed-media pieces for herself and others to enjoy.
1100 Florence Gallery (
Once a Polish Meat Shop, then a cabinet shop, this storefront now houses art and events, with easy street access and plenty of sunlight! Located on the corner of Greenleaf and Florence at 1100 Florence Ave., Evanston, IL 60202